Jason P. Sultzer Listed as Counsel in PFAS Class Action Against Kenvue Inc.

woman wearing a band-aid on her arm

Jason P. Sultzer, founding Partner of Sultzer & Lipari, has been listed as counsel in the significant case of Badilla v. Kenvue Inc. et al. This case centers around allegations that the makers of Band-Aid products failed to disclose the presence of toxic PFAS chemicals in some of their bandages. A New York woman initiated this proposed nationwide consumer class action in federal court, claiming that these bandages were deceptively marketed as being made with safe materials, misleading consumers about their true composition.

The lawsuit underscores the growing concern over PFAS, often referred to as "forever chemicals" due to their persistence in the environment and potential health risks. This case could have broad implications for consumer safety and corporate transparency, as it challenges the integrity of widely trusted products.

For more detailed information on the case, you can refer to the full article on Law360.
